Search Becomes More Powerful, Now Works In Real-Time

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Almost everyone uses search to quickly locate their files. The faster search works, the happier everyone is. We’re worked to make search even faster at Jumpshare. Today, we’re announcing two new additions to Jumpshare; real-time search and the ability to quickly search for your folder when copying, moving, or saving your files.

Real-time search

To search for your files, just start typing in the search bar and the results will appear in real-time. You can modify the keywords and it will reflect in the search result automatically. We believe real-time search makes it easier for users to locate their files and folders because it doesn’t require users to type and press the Enter key over and over again.

jumpshare real-time search

Find the folder you’re looking for

When copying, moving, or saving the files, you will see a new search bar on top of your folders in the pop-up box. This will help you quickly filter the folder where you want to copy, move, or save your files. Just type the folder name and the result will reflect automatically, in real-time.

search in pop-up

There are many more improvements and features coming to Jumpshare in the coming days. We’ll keep you updated. Happy sharing!