Incredibly fast file sharing for Windows

Drag & drop your files to share them quickly, capture screenshots and annotate them, record screencasts, write notes, bookmark websites, and so much more.

Start Sharing - It's Free!

Drag, drop, and share your files

Once you drag & drop your files to the Jumpshare menubar app, a shareable link will be copied to your clipboard. Paste this link anywhere to share. It's that quick!

File Sharing

Send files via email directly

If you prefer sending files directly via email, Jumpshare helps you do that through the built-in share option. Once sent, you can track if your recipients have viewed or downloaded your files.

Screenshot capture and annotation

Quickly capture screenshots and then mark it up with various built-in tools, such as, pencil, shapes, highlighter, text and more. You can also blur confidential information from your screenshots.

Screenshot Annotation
File Sharing

Screen recording in video or GIF

Record either fullscreen or a custom area of your screen. Use click tracking, voiceover, and webcam recording (optional). Screencasts can be shared in both video and GIF.

Share directly from 3rd party apps

Use a special Jumpshare hotkey to share your work directly from Photoshop, Chrome, Firefox, and other apps without having to leave them.

Everything you need under one roof


Get started with Jumpshare today

Start Sharing - It's Free!