Every time your shared file is viewed or downloaded by recipients, we notify you via email and send you push notifications to your desktop apps and iPhone app. We also send notifications when any Jumpshare user shares files with you. However, if you’re using the web app, there is no way to get notified in real-time. That changes today!
We’ve now added support for desktop notifications for every major web browser, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, and others. Once enabled, you will be receive notifications every time there is an activity in your account. Desktop notifications allow to work and respond faster, and helps you make Jumpshare an integral part of your workflow.
To enable desktop notifications, visit the Settings page and under Notifications section, click “Enable Desktop Notifications” button.
Once done, your browser will ask for your permission, click “Accept”.
That’s all. It’s that easy!
If you want to stop receiving desktop notifications from your browser, just click “Disable Desktop Notifications” button under Notifications.