Record and Share Audio

Give clarity to your thoughts and messages by recording and sharing voice notes instantly!

Start Recording - It's Free!

Free Voice Recorder

Sometimes things can get lost in translation during a collaborative exchange. You can add more clarity to your message by adding audio to your textual conversations. Whether you want to personalize a video with a voiceover or wish to send a personalized voice note to get your point across, with Jumpshare’s Voice Recorder, you can use high-quality voice memos to express yourself within seconds.

File Sharing

Record Voice Notes

Create coherence in your exchange by using voice notes to explain your point of view. You can choose between multiple audio sources based on whether you want to record your microphone or system audio.

Record Video and Audio Simultaneously

Choose between multiple audio sources to record crisp voice notes or add context to your videos by recording both video and audio simultaneously.

Share Voice Notes Instantly

Your voice notes are available to be shared instantly as soon as you finish recording. You can share the recording using the automatically generated link or via a personalized email.

Share Voice Messages Securely

Use privacy controls to manage the safety of your voice note. You can use password protection, disable downloads, and even send a temporary download link that expires after a specified period of time.

Adjust Playback Speed

Your audience can listen to your voice notes at varying playback speeds ranging from 0.5x to 2.0x. Slow down the playback speed to increase your comprehension levels rather than having to play the same audio again and again.

Organize Your Voice Notes

With multiple workspaces at your fingertips, organizing your voice notes is a seamless experience. Manage, search, and share audios across multiple teams in just a few clicks. You can also rename your voice notes and group them into folders to avoid any confusion.

How to Record and Share Voice Notes

You can record voice notes or messages with Jumpshare by following these three simple steps:

1.Start Jumpshare

Download Jumpshare for free for either Mac or Windows, then install and launch it on your system. The app will pop open in the system tray on Windows or the menu bar on Mac.

2.Record Voice Note

Open up the More menu and select the Record Voice Note option to launch the voice recorder. Select an audio source from the bottom right menu and start recording!

3.Share Voice Note

Once you’re done, click Finish and a link to it will be automatically copied to your clipboard. Use this link to share the recording anywhere.

Start Recording - It’s Free!

Benefits of Sharing Voice Notes

Recording voice notes helps you elevate your communication skills, allowing you to add your own personal touch to the message and helping you be more persuasive. A clear voice note can be a great tool to share ideas, offer feedback, or even record quick reminders.

File Sharing

Make Online Learning Easier

Clarify concepts and offer personalized feedback. With voice messages you can express yourself freely, keeping your audience engaged.

Create Reminders

Add context to your reminders with voice notes. Record reminders and to-do lists on the go without dealing with the hassle of writing things down.

Offer Personalized Feedback

Offer clear, personalized feedback. Voice notes can enable you to pinpoint problem areas without having to go back and forth with revisions.

More Than a Voice Note Recorder

Jumpshare does so much more than help you record voice notes. Jumpshare is a multifaceted visual communication platform that boosts collaboration by encouraging consistent feedback.

Capture Screen

Take pixel-perfect screenshots using the Jumpshare screenshot tool. You can capture all or a selected portion of your screen as per your requirement.

Record Video

Record high-quality video content with the Jumpshare Screen Recorder. You can record your screen, add webcam recording, edit your video, and add a custom thumbnail, in just a few clicks.

Create Notes

Use Jumpshare to compose notes and organize your thoughts by writing them down in a variety of formats ranging from markdown to code.

Get started with Jumpshare today

Start Recording - It's Free!